Saturday, December 19, 2009

Lake Villa Home, IL, USA : Saturday Dec 19th, 2009 : 11:50 PM

Today nothing much got accomplished.
Gave a call to Daddy yesterday and he was worried about the huge debt that we took....I said, don't worry and we will take care of it and things will improve in 2/3 months time.
Naturally he's very worried as our family never done anything like this before....but there's no option now,except to move forward. I still don't see this as a big risk, except we're still barrowing money to run the show.
I'm confident that in a month or two we should be able to run the entire show without pumping more money and we should see how we can pay off the debt load.
Today my earlier colleague gave me a call that US Home Land security came asking me at NABP (my earlier client ).Other friend working at NABP told full details.Worried what could be the reason ? Home Land security for me ???
I can think about only for good reason...for enquiring about the Green card under progress....there shouldn't be any bad reasons as I've a Canadian passport and has EAD to work.  Or May be related to something about my recent travel to's scary these days...but nothing I can do now. Left a voice mail to my earlier Manager at NABP..
Prepared a good PRO/AM/RM daily target sheet by using I can keep a tab on the marketing activities of each PRO in a systematic way. I will call them to explain about how to use it and if they can't use online, they should use it to fill it as a hard copy.
Sales/Marketing staff efficient work management has been a struggle and worry that if they're just taking salaries and TA/DAs or doing any real's very important for us to keep a daily tab and see how they're a work culture like in India, you can't believe on what anybody (your employees /vendors /customers...) one should always be suspecious and analyze the % of truth.....
Sunita is at work today and I'm at home with Kids..took Ria to singing class. Spoke with couple RECW friends after 20 yrs as we're currently getting in touch with each other.
Good night !

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